Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Budte Gotovy Vashe Vysochestvo (1978)

Будьте готовы, Ваше Высочество (1978)

Rating: 2-4

Watch Online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG0UwWwuJ68

Age of Child: 8 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 02:43, 03:02, 03:09, 04:02, 05:18, 10:25, 21:34, 24:07, 33:17

  • Several kids are playing in the ocean.
  • Two boys wearing only speedos is lying on the beach next to a girl.
  • Two boys in speedos are taking a shower.
  • A boy is seen in his underwear as he changes his pants.
  • Two shirtless boys in shorts are wrestling.
  • A boy in speedos is sitting on a rock on the ocean. A man climbs on to the rock and sits next to him.
  • A boy is hanging on with a girt next to the ocean in his underwear.

Tags: Swimwear | Shower | Child Love

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