Thursday, April 30, 2015

Vkhodyashchaya v More (1965)

Входящая в море (1965)

Rating: 5-4

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:

Age of Child: 7

Sex of Child: Girl

Child Nudity At: 03:43, 04:46, 05:24, 09:15, 10:24. 10:56, 12:13, 13:59

  • A completely naked girl is playing on the beach with her parants.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

El Niño y el Muro (1965)

The Boy and the Ball and the Hole in the Wall (1965)

Rating: 3-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 25:29, 25:50

  • A naked boy is shown taken a bath and then drying himself with a towel.

Tags: Bath

Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari (1965)

A Story Written with Water (1965)
История, написанная водой (1965)

Rating: 5-2

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 10:53, 11:45

  • A completely naked boy is in the bathtub with his naked mother. He then gets out and walks over to his father, who is next to the bathtub.

Keywords: Boy, Bath

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Menino de Engenho (1965)

Rating: 4-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 08:22

Description: This movie shows a completely naked boy jumping into the lake and then playing in the lake with a naked man.

The Fool Killer (1965)

Rating: 1-2

Age of Child: 13

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows a boy and a man swimming in a lake. It then shows them lying down and hanging out at the side of the lake.

Tags: Swimwear

At' Zije Republika (1965)

Long Live The Republic (1965)

Rating: 4-4

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows several boys ambushing another boy, undressing him, and leaving him tied up to a tree while completely naked. He is then rescued by a girl.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Crónica de un Niño Solo (1965)

Chronicle of a Lonely Child (1965)
Chronicle of a Boy Alone (1965)
История одинокого мальчика (1965)
Хроники одинокого ребёнка (1965)

Rating: 5-5

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows several boys getting completely undressed and playing outside and in a river. This goes on for about a third of the movie.

Kakoe Ono, More? (1964)

A Jaké Je More? (1964)

Rating: 3-2

Age of Child: 6

Sex of Child: Boy

  • A naked boy is swimming in the ocean.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Tini Zabutykh Predkiv (1964)

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964)

Rating: 4-4

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 12

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 13:10, 14:12

  • A girl and a boy take all of their clothes off and play in a pond. Afterwards, they run out of the pond and play in the woods while completely naked.

Tags: Skinny Dipping | Child Love

Monday, April 27, 2015

Povídky o Dětech (1964)

Tales About Children (1964)

Rating: 5-1

Age of Child: 6

Sex of Child: Boy

  • A naked boy is using the bathroom.
  • A naked boy is swimming in a pool.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Golubaya Chashka (1964)

Голубая чашка (1964)

Rating: 3-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 41:47, 42:30

  • A naked boy is hanging out in tall weeds while a girl and a man watch him.


Island of the Blue Dolphins (1964)

Rating: 2-1

Watch Online:
          Part 1:
          Part 2:
          Part 3:
          Part 4:
          Part 5:
          Part 6:
          Part 7:
          Part 8:
          Part 9:
          Part 10:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: Part 1 (02:02, 02:18, 02:49, 03:11, 03:33, 03:46, 03:59, 04:25, 04:32, 04:53, 05:19, 08:13, 09:08, 09:58), Part 2 (00:00, 02:36, 03:21, 07:32, 08:32), Part 3 (00:02, 00:42, 02:03, 05:12, 09:43)

  • An Indian woman and a boy wearing only a cloth to cover himself are walking through a river heading towards their tribe.
  • The woman and the boy are planting seeds on the ground. The boy then sees a ship and runs to alert his tribe.
  • A woman and a boy are sitting down on the ground listening to their father speak.
  • A boy, a woman, and their father are walking through the rocks.
  • The boy’s father is teaching him how to make a spear.
  • A boy and a woman are harvesting the vegetables from the garden.
  • A woman and a boy go running to hug their father.
  • A woman finds her little brother dead on the ground.

Keywords: Boy, Shirtless, Dead, Beach

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dobrodružství s Nahým Klukem (1964)

Adventures with a Naked Boy (1964)
Приключения с голым мальчиком (1964)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 03:42, 04:06, 7:23, and 9:17

Description: This movie shows a completely naked boy riding on a bus while everyone stares at him and argues.

Paskutine Atostogu Diena (1964)

Rating: 3-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Girl

Child Nudity At: 10:04, 31:19

Description: This movie shows a girl swimming in the ocean while completely naked. It also shows several boys playing on the beach and swimming in the ocean while wearing only underwear.

Tags: Swimwear | Skinny Dipping

Amintiri din Copilărie (1964)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 10:44

Description: This movie shows a boy taking all of his clothes off and playing in a river. It then shows him running through the streets to his house while completely naked.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dobro Pozhalovat, Ili Postoronnim Vkhod Vospreshchyon (1964)

Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещен (1964)

Rating: 5-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10 - 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 28:05

Description: This movie shows several boys in bathing suits running into the ocean and playing. It also shows several boys taking all of their clothes off and running into a field of itchy plants.

Mikres Aphrodites (1963)

Young Aphrodites (1963)
Юные Афродиты (1963)

Rating: 2-4

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 12:44, 13:14, 18:37, 26:05, 26:50, 31:37, 37:29, 45:19

  • A boy and a girl are playing together outside while wearing loincloths.
  • A boy is chasing a girl. After he catches her, they wrestle on the ground.

Tags: Tribal Child | Child Love

Sittlichkeitsverbrecher (1963)

The Molesters (1963)

Rating: 5-1

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Girl

  • An image is shown of a completely naked girl.

Tags: Doctor, Child Abuse

Friday, April 24, 2015

Tayna (1963)

Тайна (1963)

Rating: 5-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 12:05, 12:24, 13:35, 14:02, 32:15

  • Several boys are playing at the beach while wearing only shorts.
  • Several boys are playing in the ocean. One of the boys is completely naked.


Капитанът (1963)

Rating: 1-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 01:01:59

Description: This movie shows a shirtless boy sitting on the grass outside.

Lord of the Flies (1963)

Rating: 4-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8 - 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 01:17:03

Description: This movie shows several half naked boys throughout the whole movie. It also shows four completely naked boys.

Tags: Wild Child | Bullying | Child Abuse

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ieri, Oggi, Domani (1963)

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963)

Rating: 4-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 4 - 6

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 23:38, 35:47, 49:50, 50:07

  • A man picks up a sleeping girl who is wearing only a shirt and diapers.
  • A girl in underwear is sleeping on a bed.
  • Several naked boys and girls get out of bed and run onto their parants’ bed to hug them.


Bez Strakha I Upryoka (1962)

Без страха и упрека (1962)

Rating: 5-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 6

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 01:09:01, 01:09:15

  • A boy is playing in the bathroom while completely naked. The boy then runs out of the bathroom. His mom picks him up and takes him back in to the bathroom for a bath.

Tags: Bath

Ty - Ne Sirota (1962)

Ты не сирота. Узбекфильм (1962)
Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 23:58, 24:48, 26:30

  • Several boys are hanging out outside. Some while wearing only shorts and some while wearing only underwear.
  • A naked boy is swimming in a lake. An older boy jumps into the lake and starts drowning him. Several other boys then jump in and help him. The naked boy gets out of the lake and puts his shorts on.

Tags: Skinny Dipping | Swimwear | Bullying

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Anička Jde Do školy (1962)

Rating: 4-2

Age of Child: 6

Sex of Child: Boy

  • A boy is seen naked after a bath.

Tags: Bath

Agostino (1962)

Rating: 3-3

Age of Child: 11 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

  • Several naked boys are at the beach going into the ocean.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Sasa (1962)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 30:09

  • A naked boy is standing up while a boy dresses him. In the meantime, another naked boy is being bathed by a woman.

Tags: Bath

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Компаньерос (1962)

Rating: 2-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 09:32

Description: This movie shows a boy in the bathroom wearing only underwear and being dried with a towel by his dad.

La Guerre des Boutons (1962)

War of the Buttons (1962)

Rating: 4-1

Age of Child: 7 - 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows several completely naked boys hiding behind the trees and running around in the woods.

Ivanovo Detstvo (1962)

Ivan's Childhood (1962)
Иваново детство (1962)

Rating: 4-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 00:01, 01:38, 07:16, 12:26, 13:27, 01:05:27, 01:27:49, 01:28:12

  • A shirtless boy in shorts is playing outside.
  • A boy is cleaning his body with some water and a rag.
  • A boy gets completely naked and gets into a small tub to bathe himself.
  • Several boys are playing on the beach while wearing only shorts and speedos.

Tags: Swimwear | Bath

Monday, April 20, 2015

Nakhalyonok (1961)

Нахалёнок (1961)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 02:25, 04:21

  • A boy in a gown is lying in bed with his gown over his butt.
  • A boy is swimming in the ocean while completely naked. Afterwards, he puts his clothes on.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Trápení (1961)

The Stress of Youth (1961)
Черный Прим (1961)
Беспокойные каникулы (1961)

Rating: 2-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10 - 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 03:18, 05:55, 06:29

  • Several boys wearing only shorts are playing in a river.
  • Several boys are running outside while wearing only shorts.

Tags: Swimwear

Csutak és a Szürke Ló (1961)

Rating: 2-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 51:48

Description: This movie shows two boys playing in a lake with a horse while wearing only underwear.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Chudotvornaya (1960)

Чудотворная (1960)
Rating: 3-4

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 10:38, 10:46, 11:10, 11:32

  • Three boys are playing outside and them jumping into a lake while completely naked.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Trizhdy Voskresshiy (1960)

Rating: 4-3

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 41:19

  • Several boys in speedos and a completely naked boys are lying on the beach. The boys then get up and run into the ocean.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Kapò (1960)

Rating: 3-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

  • Several kids are running in a Nazi concentration camp.

Tags: Child Abuse

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Aki Tachinu (1960)

Autumn Has Already Started (1960)

Rating: 5-2

Age of Child: 12 & 13

Sex of Child: Boy

  • Several boys are bathing in the bathroom while completely naked.

Tags: Bath

For Members Only (1960)

The Nudist Story (1960)
Pussycats Paradise (1960)
Кошачий рай (1960)

Rating: 5-4

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:

Age of Child: 4 - 9

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 06:12, 06:23, 06:40, 07:04, 23:12, 23:33

  • Several kids are playing in a pool wile completely naked.

Tags: Nudism | Skinny Dipping

Pollyanna (1960)

Поллианна (1960)

Rating: 3-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 00:06

  • A naked boy is swinging into a river and several naked kids are playing in the river.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Friday, April 17, 2015

Conspiracy of Hearts (1960)

Rating: 3-5

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8 - 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Times: 26:20, 27:56

  • A completely naked boy is being bathed by a woman in a room with several other women and girls.
  • A woman is completely undressing a boy. She then picks him up and stands him in a small tub, where she bathes him.

Tags: Bath

Prace (1960)

Slingboy (1960)
Пращник (1960)

Rating: 3-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 7

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 14:59, 15:17, 01:01:16

  • A boy is undressing. He then gets on his father’s back and his father carries him to a tank of water where he is bathed. The boy is spanked by another man on the way.
  • A shirtless boy is washing his face and chest with a towel in front of a girl. He then puts his shirt on.

Tags: Bath

Hadaka no Shima (1960)

The Naked Island (1960)

Rating: 4-5

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 7 - 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 35:04

Description: This movie shows two completely naked Japanese boys running outside and then getting into a giant bucket to take a bath.

Tags: Bath

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Тайна зеленого бора (1960)

Rating: 3-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 23:16

Description: This movie shows two boys taking all of their clothes off and getting into a lake in order to swim over to the other side and steal a boat.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Alla vi Barn i Bullerbyn (1960)

The Children of Noisy Village (1960)

Rating: 3-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 08:46

Description: This movie shows a boy taking all of his clothes off and getting in a lake to play along with several other completely naked boys and girls.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Les Quatre Cents Coups (1959)

The 400 Blows (1959)

Rating: 3-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 13

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 44:20

Description: This movie shows a boy getting out of the bath with a towel wrapped around his waist. The boy then walks to his room, takes the towel off, and jumps in bed naked.

Tags: Bath

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Voyennaya Tayna (1958)

Военная тайна (1958)

Rating: 5-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8 - 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 06:57, 12:06

  • Several boys in shorts are running on the beach. They then get naked and play on the beach while completely naked.
  • Several naked boys are lying on the beach.
  • Several boys in shorts are throwing water at eachother in the bathrooms.

Tags: Swimwear | Skinny Dipping

Skhvisi Shvilebi (1958)

Rating: 3-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Girl

Child Nudity At: 11:30, 59:00, 59:23

  • A man is picking up a sleeping girl in a dress. Her underwear is exposed.
  • A naked girl is sitting in a tub while her parants bathe her. The naked girl then stands up and her mother wraps her in a towel.

Tags: Bath

The Geisha Boy (1958)

Rating: 3-4

Age of Child: 6

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 48:30, 48:49, 49:49, 01:06:10, 01:06:19

  • A boy is swimming in a lake with his father.
  • A completely naked boy is in a sauna with several adults.

Tags: Swimwear

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tarzan and the Trappers (1958)

Тарзан и охотники с капканами (1958)

Rating: 2-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 03:04, 05:06, 06:05, 14:20, 14:27, 14:58, 17:15, 17:46, 17:59, 18:53, 22:48, 25:43

  • A boy is hanging out with his parents in the jungle while wearing only a loincloth.
  • Several men from civilization come into the jungle and capture the boy.
  • A man breaks a boy out of a wooden cage.

Tags: Tribal Child

Far Til Fire Og Ulveungerne (1958)

Rating: 2-3

Age of Child: 8 - 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows several boys in boy scouts running out of a building with no shirts and and some wearing only underwear and washing their faces.

Vater Sein Dagegen Sehr (1957)

Отец категорически против (1957)
Тяжело быть папой (1957)

Rating: 2-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 38:24

  • Two boys in speedos are running into a lake with a man and a woman.

Keywords: Swimwear

Monday, April 13, 2015

As Boys Grow (1957)

Rating: 2-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows several shirtless boys with shorts on in the changing rooms and playing sports.

Honzikova Cesta (1956)

Johnny's Journey (1956)
Путешествие Гонзика (1956)

Rating: 3-4

Age of Child: 6

Sex of Child: Boy

  • A boy is being bathed by a woman. The boy then stands up in the tub and is carried to his bed by his dad while still naked.

Tags: Bath

Priklyucheniya Artyomki (1956)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 36:56, 38:53

  • Several shirtless boys are hanging out at the beach. One of the boys is completely naked.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Das Donkosakenlied (1956)

Rating: 3-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 19:26 and 34:25

Description: This movie shows a shirtless boy at the doctor’s office lying on a bed. It also shows the boy’s butt as a man helps him put on his pajama pants.

Tags: Doctor Checkup

El Camino de la Vida (1956)

The Road of Life (1956)

Rating: 5-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: Part 8 - 2:33

Description: This movie shows several boys undressing and running into the showers while completely naked. It then shows them playing and pushing each other in the showers.

Tags: Shower

Chiens Perdus Sans Collier (1955)

The Little Rebels (1955)
Бродячие собаки без ошейников (1955)

Rating: 3-2

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:

Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 22:38, 23:09, 23:50
A boy undresses in front of his father and his father checks his body for whip marks. The boy then runs down the hallway while completely naked.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Far Til Fire På Landet (1955)

Rating: 2-1

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows a boy at a beach while wearing only underwear.

Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne (1955)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 14:12

Description: This movie shows a completely naked boy taking a bath with his dad and then stepping out of the bathtub and getting a towel to dry himself.

Tags: Bath

Trevozhnaya Molodost (1954)

Restless Youth (1954)
Тревожная молодость (1954)

Rating: 4-4

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 9 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 03:55, 20:18, 20:49, 21:16

  • A shirtless boy gets out of bed and talks to an old man, who is lying in bed.
  • Several completely naked boys are playing on the beach and splashing in the water. Several other boys in black then come over and start fighting with the naked boys.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Friday, April 10, 2015

Aldri Annet Enn Bråk (1954)

Nothing but Trouble (1954)

Rating: 4-5

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 8 & 11

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 02:58, 05:14, 05:52, 06:43

  • A naked boy wearing only a shirt gets out of bed and wakes up the rest of his family.
  • A naked girl is putting her clothes on.


Little Fugitive (1953)

Маленький беглец (1953)

Rating: 3-1

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:
                    Part 1:
                    Part 2:
                    Part 3:
                    Part 4:
                    Part 5:
                    Part 6:
                    Part 7:
                    Part 8:

Age of Child: 4 - 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 39:40, 40:04, 40:21, 40:41, 41:07, 41:21, 42:21, 42:45, 43:26, 44:42, 44:35

  • Two shirtless boys are at the beach eating chips and drinking soda.
  • Two boys wearing only speedos are at the beach. One of them is looking into the other’s eyes to see if he has any pieces of dust in it.
  • Several boys wearing only speedos are hanging out on the beach.
  • A big crowd of people are gathering around, a completely naked boy is behind the crowd.

Tags: Swimwear

Le Salaire de la Peur (1953)

The Wages of Fear (1953)

Rating: 2-2

Watch Online:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Planter's Wife (1952)

Outpost in Malaya (1952)

Rating: 3-2

Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Girl

  • A girl is shown naked.


The Blue Lagoon (1949)

Rating: 1-5

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 28:08

Description: This movie shows a shirtless girl and a shirtless boy stranded on a deserted island along with a man.


Proibito Rubare (1948)

Guaglio (1948)
Hey Boy (1948)
No Stealing (1948)

Rating: 5-2

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 41:45
A naked boy is taking a bath.

Tags: Bath

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sciuscià (1946)

Shoeshine (1946)
Шуша (1946)

Rating: 5-2

Watch Online:
          Link 1:
          Link 2:

Age of Child: 8 - 13

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 01:00:11
Several completely naked boys are running around in the showers. Afterwards they dry themselves and get dressed.

Tags: Shower

Slon I Verevochka (1945)

Слон и верёвочка (1945)
Rating: 2-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Girl

Child Nudity At: 02:03

  • A girl trying to jump rope while wearing a skirt. Her underwear is exposed as she tries to jumps.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Child Went Forth (1941)

Познавая мир (1941)

Rating: 5-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 4 - 6

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 03:44, 14:20

  • Several kids are playing in a river while completely naked.
  • Several kids are playing in a river while wearing swimming suits.

Tags: Skinny Dipping | Swimwear

U Tyoplogo Morya (1940)

У тёплого моря (1940)

Rating: 3-3

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 10 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 03:25, 03:38

  • Several naked boys and girls are lying on the beach.
  • Several naked boys and girls are playing in the ocean.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Hurra, Ich Bin Papa! (1939)

Rating: 5-4

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 7

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 46:33, 48:45

  • A man carries a naked boy into the bathroom and places him in the bathtub. The man then bathes the boy.
  • A naked boy is standing on a chair while a man puts a gown on him.

Tags: Bath

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939)

Тарзан находит сына (1939)

Rating: 3-1

Watch Online:
          Part 1:
          Part 2:

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: part 1(14:32, 17:22, 18:10, 20:12, 21:21, 28:45, 35:50), part 2(01:00, 18:31, 19:11, 22:43, 36:54)


  • A boy is swinging from branch to branch on the roots hanging from the trees with his father while wearing only a cloth to cover himself.
  • A boy wearing only a cloth is riding an elephant. He then falls off.
  • A boy is playing in the jungle throwing rocks at the hippopotamuses and crocodiles. He then watching the various animals living in the jungle.
  • A boy is running through the jungle and gets stuck in a spider web. Several spiders then begin walking towards him, but the boy’s dad comes and gets the spiders away.
  • A boy is playing in a lake with his father and riding an elephant in a lake.

Tags: Tribal Kid

Detstvo Gorkogo (1938)

The Childhood of Maxim Gorky (1938)
Детство Горького (1938)

Rating: 1-1

Watch Online:

Age of Child: 11

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 25:24

Description: This movie shows a shirtless and injured boy lying in bed after being whipped in the butt by his father.

Tags: Child Abuse

Kaze No Naka No Kodomo (1937)

Children in the Wind (1937)
Дети на ветру (1937)

Rating: 5-1

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          Part 1:
          Part 2:
          Part 3:
          Part 4:
          Part 5:
          Part 6:

Age of Child: 9 - 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: Part 1 (05:54, 06:12, 08:00, 08:09), Part 4 (11:59, 12:13, 12:29)

  • Several boys are playing in a lake while wearing only a cloth to cover themselves. One of the boys takes his clothes off, but then realizes that he’s not wearing underwear and puts them back on. The other boys encourage him to get in the river with no underwear.
  • Several boys wearing only cloths to cover themselves are running through the streets chasing a boy who is trying to hold his shorts up because he has no underwear. After they corner him, his shorts fall down and he is completely naked before he pulls them back up.
  • A boy is in a bucket floating down a river while wearing only underwear. A man then runs into the river to get him and several other boys wearing only underwear who were watching cheer.

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Das Gäßchen zum Paradies (1936)

Rating: 5-3

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Age of Child: 6 - 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 11:17

Several naked boys are taking a shower together and playing in the showers.
Several boys are running down the hall while wearing only shorts.

Tags: Shower

La Kermesse Héroïque (1935)

Rating: 5-3

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Age of Child: 5

Sex of Child: Girl

Child Nudity At: 05:51, 06:01

A naked girl is being bathed by a woman.

Tags: Bath

A Zivot Jde Dál (1935)

Rating: 3-2

Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

A boy’s butt is seen.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dobrý Tramp Bernášek (1933)

Rating: 5-2

Zéro de Conduite (1933)

Zero for Conduct (1933)

Rating: 4-1

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Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 35:25

Several boys are having a pillow fight in gown. One of the boys then does a backflip, which allows us to see his naked body.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Blonde Venus (1932)

Rating: 3-2

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Age of Child: 8

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 04:57 & 05:44

Description: This movie shows a naked boy playing in the bathtub and a woman bathing a naked boy.

Tags: Bath

Poil de Carotte (1932)

The Red Head (1932)

Rating: 4-2

Age of Child: 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 27:49

Description: This movie shows a completely naked boy dancing next to a river and sitting next to a river while talking to a man and drinking wine.


Tabu (1931)

Rating: 2-1

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Age of Child: 9 - 12

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows several shirtless men including some boys wandering around in the middle of nowhere and rowing boats in the ocean.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Menschen Am Sonntag (1930)

Rating: 5-2

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Age of Child: 3 - 5

Sex of Child: Boy & Girl

Child Nudity At: 10:38, 37:31, 43:15

Several boys are playing in a lake while wearing only shorts.
A family is having a picnic on a field with several naked children.
Several adults and children are playing on a beach.

Tags: Swimwear

Kino Glaz (1924)

Life Off-Guard (1924)

Rating: 4-3

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 15:50, 17:46, 18:05, 21:18, 21:52, 40:43, 41:23, 41:44

Tags: Skinny Dipping

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Peter Pan (1924)

Rating: 3-2

Age of Child: 9

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows a naked boy standing in the bathtub and being bathed by a dog.

Tags: Bath

My Boy (1921)

Мой мальчик (1921)

Rating: 3-1

Watch Online: 
          Link 1:
          Link 2:
                    Part 1:
                    Part 2:
                    Part 3:
                    Part 4:
                    Part 5:

Age of Child: 7

Sex of Child: Boy

Child Nudity At: 19:16, 20:56

A completely naked boy is standing on a pan while bathing himself. He then puts a gown on.

Tags: Bath

Tarzan of the Apes (1918)

Rating: 4-4

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Age of Child: 10

Sex of Child: Boy

Description: This movie shows a boy running, climbing and playing with the gorillas while completely naked.

Tags: Tribal Child